User Registration

Account information


Rules and Policies

Full Name

Please provide your full name. This will be used in any system generated email communications.


Please enter a memorable username. This will be used alongwith the password to login securely to your account. But do not worry, if you forget your username, you can always recover it using the Forgot Username/Password page.

Please follow the following rules when creating a username :

  • 3 (min) - 15 (max) characters allowed.
  • Lowercase a-z, 0-9 are allowed.
  • Special characters such as hyphen '-', and underscore '_' are allowed.


Please enter a memorable password. This will be used alongwith the username to login securely to your account. But do not worry, if you forget your password, you can always recover it using the Forgot Username/Password page.

Please follow the following rules when creating a password :

  • 7 (min) - 15 (max) characters allowed.
  • At least 1 alphabet and 1 number are required.
  • White spaces are NOT allowed

Email address

Please provide a valid email address which can be used to communicate with you. Upon account creation, we email an activation link to your email address to verify you have access to the provided email inbox. Please click the activation link to activate your account to start using Ace AVETMISS.